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Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Fork In The Road

I'm sitting here at my glass desk thinking about my future. It might be more accurate to say, wondering about my future.
I was injured at work last week and am looking at the possibility of several weeks of down time, surgery and recovery. I'm getting tired of sitting on my couch watching Netflix, falling asleep and eating. If I didn't shave my head I would consider pulling my hair out. This workman's comp thing isn't the dream everyone envisions: sitting at home, doing whatever you want while not working and sleeping 'til noon. For someone who likes to work and support his family, it's a nightmare of boredom. And I think I'm gaining weight.
I injured my right knee while at work and so I can't really stand or walk for any length of time. I was so bored today that I hobbled over to the computer to look into taking online surveys to "earn extra cash!" as all the sites claim. Fortunately, I'm the type of person that researches something to death online before taking a plunge so I basically gathered in the space of about half an hour that most of these survey sites weren't worth my time. Then, something in the search results caught my eye.
It seems that there is a very real market for freelance writers on the internet. I've always been a good writer; at least, that's what my teachers all said. I took a community college writing class as part of a degree I never finished pursuing and really loved it. I liked the course, the teacher and the work involved. I earned top marks and was told by my prof that I could be a writer for a living. Not knowing how this could be possible I quickly fell back into my familiar dead end job routine and supported my family while forgetting all about writing.
I should say; for the purpose of background and character outline, I took this writing class as an older man, not as some young kid fresh out of high school. I was already committed to my family and didn't have what I considered the flexibility to pursue what might turn out to be a pipe dream.
Life has a funny way of happening though, and here I am with an injury considering something I would not have otherwise given another thought. It's a true fork in the road. A chance to dive into something while I'm sitting around doing nothing.
I don't know if anyone will even read this. But it's my starting point, my launchpad. There are several online writing opportunities I'm already considering and this will be what I consider MySpace for my writing. I will post writing clips here and write original posts for my own pleasure. Maybe someone else will find a few moments of pleasure in them as well.
Thanks for reading. I'm off to do research.

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