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Monday, October 3, 2016

Megan Is Missing

I just submitted a story for a competition, the writing prompt was this: when a man takes lunch to his wife's office, he's told that she hasn't worked there in weeks. The story could be happy, witty, serious, whatever you chose, but it also had to be 700 words or less. I'm long winded so it was a fun challenge to edit my idea down that much after originally writing about 850 words.

Here it is, hope you like it!

Megan Is Missing

My marriage had been in a rut for years. I had been secretly contemplating divorce for months, but couldn’t get up the courage to broach the subject. There were too many things I didn’t want to deal with: more fights and arguing, deciding who keeps the house, bickering over money. So I left it alone and suffered, wondering if things would ever get any better.
About three weeks ago, things began to change. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t; it was my wife who suddenly and dramatically changed in some amazing ways. She went out of her way to compliment decisions I made or little things I did around the house that she never seemed to notice before. She started cooking. When we married I understood that she couldn’t cook and that she had no interest in learning. It was one of those little things I overlooked at first and began to resent later, when I got tired of being the chef. Maybe it’s cliché to say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I truly appreciated the delicious meals she was now preparing. I fell in love with my wife for a second time as she displayed more and more of these changes; the result being, that I began treating her better as well. I went out of my way to compliment her and talk with her; to connect with her. Our love life even improved.
I decided to surprise her at her work with lunch. As soon as lunch hour arrived I went straight over to our favorite Italian place and ordered meatball subs. Megan and I had been going to Luigi’s for years and loved how they loaded their meatball subs with tons of gooey, Mozzarella cheese that they made fresh daily.
The smell filled the car as I drove to Megan’s office. I couldn’t wait to see her face light up with surprise.
I was the one surprised; a stranger was sitting in her chair when I entered the lobby. Megan had been the Executive Assistant at the Ryan Brother’s law firm for the past five years. She must have stepped out of the office for a moment; hopefully not to lunch, as I was standing there with it in my hand.
“Welcome to Ryan Brother’s Law, can I help you?” the girl asked, smiling.
“Hi, I’m here to see Megan,” I replied, “I’m her husband.”
She looked confused. “I’m sorry, Megan?” she began. “Megan Koslowski? She no longer works here.”
“You’re kidding,” I chuckled. “She left home to come here this morning. What do you mean she doesn’t work here?”
“I’m sorry sir,” the young brunette answered, “Megan is no longer employed with Ryan Brother’s Law.”
My blood went cold. What was going on? Where was Megan?
“When did she quit?” I asked, puzzled.
“She didn’t; officially, Jack,” a male voice answered me from an open office door. Bryce Ryan appeared in the doorway. “She just didn’t show up one day three weeks ago. Never answered our calls. You didn’t know about this?” He seemed as puzzled as I was.
“No,” I said quietly. “I’d better go find out what’s going on Bryce; excuse me.”
I stepped outside. It had begun to rain. Reaching for my cell phone, a man in a black trench coat approached me.
“Jack Koslowski?” he asked, showing me an FBI badge.
“Yes,” I answered hesitantly, the rain spotting my glasses.
“Could you come with me sir? I’d like to speak with you about your wife, Megan.”
He helped me into a black, tinted van that had pulled alongside us. I had no energy to resist.
“What’s going on? Where’s my wife?” I was beginning to feel frantic.
“We don’t know sir,” he answered while closing the door and sitting down on the bench seat beside me, “but we have reason to believe the woman living with you is not your wife.”
My mind was spinning. “What?” I managed, “What are you saying?”
As the van sped away a man spoke up from the front passenger seat. “We believe your wife may have been replaced with an exact replica.”

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